Word-to-DITA Ant Parameters

Ant parameters for the Word-to-DITA transformation type

To run the Word-to-DITA transformation using the Open Toolkit plugin, specify the following Ant parameters.

Required Parameters

The absolute filename and path of the DOCX file to process.
The path and filename of the Word DOCX file to process.

Optional Parameters

Specifies the absolute path of of the directory to contain the generated output.
Set to "true" to have the output directory cleaned out before running the transform. The default is "false".
Turns on debugging of the XSLT transform. Default is "false".
Specifies the location of the style-to-tag map to use as the default if no style-to-tag-map is specified. The default is the word-builtin-styles-style2tagmap.xml file. This parameter is mostly useful for setting as a default in installation-specific properties files. You would not normally specify it for a specific document.
The prefix to use for generated files other than submaps. The default is no prefix.
Control whether or not <br> elements generated from the Word data will be filtered out of the result DITA. Set to "true" to filter out <br> elements. The default is "false" (<br> elements are included in the result DITA). The <br> element is provided by the DITA for Publishers formatting vocabulary domain module.
Control whether or not <tab> elements generated from the Word data will be filtered out of the result DITA. Set to "true" to filter out <tab> elements. The default is "false" (<tab> elements are included in the result DITA). The <tab> element is provided by the DITA for Publishers formatting vocabulary domain module.
When set to "true", use topic titles as navigation titles in generated topicrefs.
Set to "false" to turn off inclusion of @@xtrc attributes in the generated DITA files that point back to the original paragraphs in the Word document. Default is "true" (@@xtrc attributes are generated).
Set to "true" to turn inclusion of <data> elements reflecting any Word bookmark start and end markers. Default is "false".
Specifies the value of the @@xml:lang atribute for generated maps and topics. If not specified, the @@xml:lang attribute is set to "en-US" by default. If you specify @@langAttValue for <mapProperties> or <topicProperties> in a style-to-tag map, that value will override the w2d.language value.
The filename (without extension) to use for the root map if one is generated. By default uses the filename of the input DOCX file. Only specify this property if the style-to-tag mapping will result in a map. If the style-to-tag mapping only produces topics, then do not specify this property.
Specifies the complete filename (including extension), of the root output file, whether it's a topic or a map. You would not normally specify this property unless the behavior of w2d.root.map.name or w2d.root.topic.name doesn't give you the result you want.
The filename (without extension) to use for the root topic. By default, uses the filename of the input DOCX file. This property is ignored if w2d.root.topic.name is also specified.
The absolute filename and path of the style-to-tag mapping to use. If not specified, the built-in mapping file org.dita4publishers.word2dita/xsl/word-builtin-styles-style2tagmap.xml is used.
The prefix to use for generated submaps. The default is "map".
When set to "true" generates tables with proportional column widths rather than absolute measurements. The default is "false", which uses the actual column width measurements from the Word table.
The temporary directory to use for word2dita process. Default is ${basedir}/temp.
The extension to use for generated topic files. The default is ".dita".
Specifies the name of the XSLT transform to use to convert the DOCX file to DITA. Default is the docx2dita.xsl transform in the word2dita Toolkit plugin.